
Ecuadorian Section of IBBY


Asociación Ecuatoriana del Libro Infantil y Juvenil 

Calle Julio Zaldumbide N24-764 y

Pasaje Miravalle La Floresta 


Tel. [int. +593] 96 221 0303


Facebook: Girándula Asociación Ecuatoriana del Libro Infantil y Juvenil IBBY Ecuador

Instagram: girandulaecuadoribby

Twitter: @girandula_ibby



Ms Leonor Bravo

(address of the section)


Vice-President and Liaison Officer

Ms Juana Neira 

(address of the section)



Ms Patricia Enderica

(address of the section)



IBBY Ecuador regularly organises the Maratón del Cuento in the capital Quito.

The event unites writers, illustrators, libraries, editors, and others related to children's literature.  During the Maratón  one of the most interesting aspects is that writers, and other important people read Ecuadorian stories to children and talk to them about the importance of children's literature in their education. In this way children of all ages feel motivated to read because they see that their favourite writers, singers, artists and national figures enjoy reading very much.

Also during the week the section organizes conferences and seminars directed at teachers, students in education careers, about reading motivation techniques in the classroom.

In 2009 the Maratón attracted a record 39,850 children, teachers and parents. The visitors enjoyed the book fair, the illustration exhibition and the storytelling during the weekend. 

The Maratón is now a big event that is supported economically and is also widely promoted by UNICEF Ecuador, by the Ecuadorian Ministries of Education and Culture and other bodies. The 2009 Maratón was the first to be supported by ECUAVISA – one the most important TV channels in Ecuador.

Pictures from the 2009 Maratón del Cuento

Pictures from the virtual Maratón del Cuento in 2020: Maratón del Cuento en Casa