Coulibaly, Micheline Les confidences de Médor Médor Talks
Illustrated by Serge M’Bra Behira. Avenir Lecture–AveLec series. First published in 1996. Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire: Edilis, 2001. 78 p. ISBN 2-909238-47-4. Ages 12 and up.
Summary and Commentary Médor, the rich Potassé family’s German shepherd, is the narrator of this story. On his twenty-first birthday he reminisces about his life—his mother, his childhood with numerous brothers and sisters, his loves, and his adventures. Experience teaches him that the world of humans is often unjust to dogs, and that humans are sometimes ridiculous, especially when they become rich and want to behave like Europeans. This enjoyable narrative is full of light-hearted and satirical humour. The book was translated into Dioula (ISBN 2-915403-22-8) and Sénoufo (ISBN 2-915403-24-4) in 2005. Micheline Coulibaly (1950-2003) is the well-known author of five additional books for children.
Fiction for Young Adults Côte d’Ivoire Edilis (Editions Livre Sud) | |     |