
Austrian Section of IBBY

International Institute for Children's

Literature and Reading Research

Mayerhofgasse 6

1040 Vienna

Tel.  [+43] 1 505 03 59



Facebook: @Jugendliteratur 

Instagram: @institut_fuer_jugendliteratur



Mag. Severin Filek
Address: Design Austria, designforum MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien


Secretary General

Ms Karin Haller


(address of the section)


Liaison Officer

Mag. Dr. Sabine Fuchs


Address: Humboldtstraße 12, AT 8010 Graz


Bookbird Correspondant

Ms Karin Haller



Thanks to Richard Bamberger, co-founder of IBBY with Jella Lepman, the Austrian Section of IBBY was one of the original sections that joined IBBY in 1953. The original section was a joint venture of the Austrian Children’s Book Club and the Austrian Children’s Book Commission hosted by the Ministry of Education. This gave way to the foundation of the International Institute of Children’s Literature and Reading Research, which still serves as the office of the Austrian IBBY Section and provides equipment and staff.

The members the Austrian Section of IBBY are: The International Institute for Children's Literature and Reading Research, Graphic Design Austria (GDA), the Austrian Research Society on Children’s and Juvenile Literature, the Austrian Children’s Book Club,  the Study and Information Centre on Children’s Literature and the Association of Translators.

Main projects

Besides participation in the usual IBBY activities, the section runs meetings and conferences, courses and seminars, exhibitions and fairs, these include:

  • Literature for Young Readers: a literature week held each year in spring, including author readings, drama, painting and drawing, informal talks with authors, and many other types of animation.
  • A comprehensive exhibition of books for children and young adults that encourages children to read and informs adults about the rich variety of books in the market.
  •  Wissenswelten — Children exploring the Austrian National Library: guided literature tours through the premises of the Austrian National Library for school classes (age 6-14).


  • Tausend und ein Buch  (1000 and 1 books): published four times a year in German language with comprehensive professional articles on children’s literature:
    • new developments and research results from all German-language countries;
    • specialist information for librarians in school and public libraries;
    • reports of events in all areas of children’s literature;
    • announcement of important dates and information about important awards;
    • comprehensive reviews, providing a critical overview of current children’s books and specialized professional literature.
  • Podcast: Kinderbuchtöne