IBBY-Yamada 2019: Peru

IBBY Peru: Develop creative capacities of mothers and teachers – We are creators of children’s books

We are creators of children’s books is project to develop the creative capacities of mothers and teachers of Obrajillo, San Miguel and Canta, to enable them to create children’s books as well as encouraging their very young children to read at home and at school. The direct target group was 50 mothers of children 3 to 5 years of age together with ten teachers. The project used the services of the Travelling Bag, which is a selection of books and games that can be taken to homes in the area. Together with teachers, the mothers developed picture books and dictionaries for the very young children. A second workshop focussed on techniques of drawing, trimming and gluing to create collages, while a third workshop emphasized telling stories using arpilleras (patchwork picture made from burlap and scraps of cloth) and embroidery. Finally, the books and other created materials were presented at the book fair in Ovrajillo y Canta.