2023 IBBY Selection of Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities
Category 1 - Accessible Books
Books using different systems and designs can help make reading accessible for everyone. These may include braille, sign language, large print, non-verbal communication systems or tactile formats. It can also include easy-to-read books with simplified age-appropriate concepts and shorter texts that are specifically written for young people with intellectual, developmental, neurodivergent or learning disabilities.

from 20 · Adela y los calcetines desaparecidos
Category 2 - Portrayals of Disability
This section includes picture books, fiction, and nonfiction titles that depict people who are d/Deaf or have disabilities. These subjects do not include physical health issues, such as common childhood illnesses and injuries, unless they lead to chronic disability. Mental health issues such as OCD or schizophrenia may be included.
16 · Il était une fois la différence : les archéologues racontent le handicap
(Once upon a time, there was a difference: archaeologists tell the story of disability)
Delattre, Valérie (text); Bergier, Vincent (ill)
France: Actes Sud junior and Inrap (Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives) 2020
ISBN 978-2-330-14045-8

from 11 · À fond les manettes

from 26 · Mi Lazarilla, Mi Capitán