IBBY-Yamada 2010: Peru

Training on reading promotion

Ran workshops and a training programme in rural areas where the local literacy rate is amongst the lowest in Peru.  The project was educational and aimed at improving the quality of the children's libraries and help the children develop their writing, drawing and reading skills.  Travelling bags were made for patents and teachers to borrow.  Mothers were invited to participate and shown how to encourage the use of books and games at home through the lending of the travelling bags.  The first workshop We are ready to be creators of books for our children and was designed to give mothers and teachers a basic idea about the basics of reading, games and educational materials for preschool and infants. The second workshop moved onto the next stage and was called We produce books and materials for our children. This was dedicated to the production of didactic books of pictures with sort stories using embroidery and arpillería. (The traditional Peruvian craft of arpillería is the creation of artefacts using pieces of fabrics, fillings, cloth, wool and thread, which are then embroidered manually.)  It is expected that the mothers and teachers would carry on producing reading materials after the workshop.  A third workshop will show how to disseminate the books using the travelling bags and introduce the guidelines that would be drawn up on the use of the materials.  Regular books would also be purchased to complement the hand-made ones.