IBBY-Yamada 2019: Armenia
IBBY Armenia: Reading corner for children and young adults in frontier rural area of Armenia
The aim of the project was to provide young people in the rural frontier areas of the Tavush region with the opportunity to read informative and interesting reading materials in addition to their school textbooks. They were also offered reading promotion activities that would create a positive attitude toward books and reading and would awake their interest and sensibility for literature. The broader aims included breaking their isolation from other places in Armenia and from the world. The newly furnished, technically-equipped reading promotion corner in the library of Achajur cultural centre (situated in the Tavush region) was supplied with new and colourful books. The opening ceremony was attended by IBBY officials, officials of the Khnko Aper National Children’s Library and the Japanese Ambassador to Armenia, as well as many children. Training courses for the librarians of the centre and reading promotion activities for children and young adults of the region were held throughout 2019.
A full report on the project can be found here.